Excel and grow 
We are not an ordinary school.
At University Lake School we devote ourselves to a learning experience that equips every student to be critical thought leaders and stewards of humanity. A human is not best measured by a test any more than your skills and experiences are housed exclusively above the neck. Our pedagogy is motivated by the oldest and most difficult educational question: who are you? Finding out what you think and why turns out to be much more difficult than the test, and helps you know what to do when there is a test. No Scantrons. Our community reflects a culture of belonging where your individual uniqueness is valued and celebrated. If you cannot bring your whole self to school, then we are failing to engage the complete human and elicit your full potential.
The Four Branches of the Pine
The life of a Laker at every age integrates intellectual challenge, athletic discovery, artistic excellence, and our capacity to lead and serve others. University Lake School is a joyful community where students are known, challenged, supported, and loved. Students cannot and will not get lost in the mix here. We keep our eye on the Four Branches of the Pine: intellectual curiosity, original thinking, personal integrity and character through service.
What You Will Find Here
Great Relationships
University Lake School maintains an astonishing 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Students and teachers build strong relationships that start in our classrooms, fields, and forest and last long after graduation.
Character & Leadership
We do believe that character is "caught not taught." But to be caught well character requires thoughtful and focused conditions. There is no hiding at ULS; we learn to be accountable and to discover our best selves. This is not something we think happens later or happens on its own accord. It happens because we build a community where your own impact on others is felt.
Outdoor Learning
Research tells us that time outside promotes vital attributes of learning: awareness, curiosity, observation, risk-assessment, problem-solving, dexterity, resilience, cooperation, independence, confidence and joy. We have a robust STEAM and technology program (and a bunch of students who fly drones), but we value time away from screens and have discovered that time outdoors promotes both contemplation and community, and that it has been a quiet foundation of superior academic experiences here for many generations. We have a Naturalist and an Outdoor Education Specialist who works across divisions to leverage best use of our incredible outdoor asset: 180 acres of pristine woodlands.